Friday, March 23, 2007

Tools of the trade

What you need to make coffee.
Grinder. Very important. Burr grinders are recommended. Cheap grinders are not recommended because of their inconsistency. They produce uneven grinds with plenty of dust. A well made burr grinder gives consistent grinds at any setting with little to no dust. If you are on a budget, use most of the money on a quality grinder.

Water. Use fresh water every time. Fresh spring water if you can as tap can be too hard. Do not re-boil water. Something about the oxygen. I even read about someone who imports Italian bottled water because that’s the only way to get true espresso.

Coffee. Fresh roasted. Look up roasters/cafes in your neighborhood. Buy coffee that was roasted within a week. If the coffee does not have a roast date, ask the owner.

Kettle. Stove top or electric.

Coffee brewer. There are many ways to make coffee. For me, I have a French press, a drip, and an espresso maker. There are many other kinds. One other kind I want to try in the future is vacuum brewing.

Timer. From timing your shots to steep time.

1 comment:

Music for Sunday said...

Wow, nice coffee gear.. :)