Saturday, August 9, 2008

Dinner 8/8/08

Bought some rib eyes the night before and had it for dinner.
Seasoned with salt and pepper. Fried in a pan with olive oil on high flame to brown the outside.
After I browned both sides, I put a pad of butter on top of each rib eye and put in the oven at 400 degrees for 15 minutes
After the rib eyes were done, I let them rest for a few minutes
While the meat was resting, I tried to make some gravy with the drippings. Warning, do not, I mean absolutely DO NOT rotate a pan that's just been in a 400 degree oven with your bare hand! Still stings.
I don't know what happened, wine was too old, shouldn't have put the wine in there in the first place? Tasted horrible. Had to toss it in the sink.
Had it with some mashed potatoes and broccoli sans gravy.
Medium all the way through, mmmmmmm.

1 comment:

Princess said...

When will you cook for me and dad? Next time, use broth to de-glaze the pan then drink the wine.