Monday, January 12, 2009

Dinner (the other night)

We had some left over honey baked ham. This was supposed to be ham fried rice, but I cut the ham too large and decided to try something else.

Key ingredient in fried rice, the rice. We have yet to purchase a rice cooker. For now, this small pot works. Basic technique to make rice, boil water, ratio should be around 1.5 parts water to 1 part bigas (raw rice). You should rinse the bigas first to get rid of the dust and some debris. I am lazy so I usually just throw the stuff in unrinsed into the boiling water. Once the water has boiled down, turn the flame down to simmer and cover for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, voila, a pot of rice. Easy. For an easier way, buy a rice cooker. Measure everything, push a button. Even easier.

What I ended up making with the ham. Way too much oil though. Had to use a few paper towels to try and get most of it off. I used a peeler to get thin slices of potatoes and fried them up with the ham.

Eggs. Over easy for my lovely lady and scrambled for me.

And there we have it. Breakfast for dinner

Maybe I'll add plantains to the ham and potatoes and go Cuban with the dish next time.

1 comment:

Princess said...

Cuban, eh? That sounds like the one one of my studes made!