Friday, January 9, 2009


I was reading the Food section of the LA Times a few years ago and they had a story about micro brews. They had a few suggestions. Two of the ones I wrote down was Northcoast Scrimshaw, which I found right away and liked. Reminded me of Rolling Rock. And the other was called Trumer Pils. The story talked about how most pilsners are shipped here from Europe and during the trip over here, the elements and everything else messes with the flavors and we don't really get the true pilsner flavor. Basically to taste how they taste it over there, we'd have to go there. Trumer Pils was supposed to be a good representation of a true pilsner. So ofcourse I had to try it to see what a true pilsner tasted like. So off to my local BevMo I went to look for the Scrimshaw and the Pils and I found the Scrimshaw right away and it took me a couple years to finally get my hands on the Trumer Pils. I just didn't look hard enough and finally got around to asking an employee about it when I was there to get something else. Good beer.

Trumer Pils all cold and ready to go.

The lovely lady serving the beer

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